How About a Nice Red Coupe?
This month's feature ride is a super clean red 37 Chevy Coupe. Dennis tells me it has a MSD fuel injected 383. It must be the cleanest, shiniest engine bay I've seen in a while. (Or am I just comparing it to mine?) This is a beautifully presented 37 Chevrolet. It is difficult to stand out in a group of 37 & 38 Chevys and Dennis does it!.
Seems Like We Prefer Red!
It appears that the favorite color for our 37 & 38 Chevys is RED! I found another one Saturday at a local cruise night. Bryan has a collection of Chevys at his house. As you can see in the background, he has a Chevelle and his wife has a nice Berlinetta Camaro, But it's Bryan's 38 Chevy Sedan that is of interest here. This sedan becomes one of dozens that fall into the "red" category. Bryan bought the sedan from a friend and has made it his own; including solving an over heating problem. If there is one thing that makes us a club it is that we have all dealt with heat problems! Bryan's car is on the left and top right.

The rolling pictures below are some of the red 37 & 38 Chevys that we've seen. Use the Contact Us page to let me know if you have a red 37/38 that I've missed.
This is the 37 Chevy that started my appreciation of Chevy's finest designs. This belonged to my neighbor, Eddie. It was a great car and Eddie was a great guy. He provided the inspiration to buy my '38 as well as guidance with the early stages of my car.
I think the car is still in the Houston area. I saw it once in Walden near Lake Conroe. If you are the current owner, I'd like to hear from you. Visit our Contact us page and send me a message!
I teased Johnny about his new 38 Chevy Coupe while it was under construction. He had said that it would be finished and at the cruise nights in August (he didn't say what year). As it turns out,it was worth the wait. The debut took place at the Houston Autorama in November 2015. So he missed the date by a few month! He did all of this in about 1/20th the time my car took!
There are lots of great 37/38 Chevys around. Here are a few that I've spotted at car shows. Send us a message on the Contact us to get your Chevrolet listed here.
Here is Don’s 37. Don bought this car in Illinois and drove it to Houston. It was a nice finished car until, like all of us, Don started to improve it. It was out for a season as he installed a new cam & heads…but then we thought we had lost it when he decided to rewire it and enhance the interior. We thought it might be found years later as a “nouveau barn find.” Happily, it found its way back to cruise nights all in one piece!
Jimmy has owned this beautiful black 1938 Chevrolet Master Deluxe since he was a young man; a long time ago in the late 50’s. You know the car and driver are old when Jimmy tells you he paid $7.50 each for the fenders! The car was a fixture at Houston area drag strips way back. We’re all glad that he finally got around to restoring the 38. It’s hard to make a black car look straight, but this one does! The state insists this is a '37, but we know better.
Our friend Johnny (see his new ride above) bought this car in North Carolina. He immediately took it on its first road trip: driving it 1200 miles from NC to Houston. Brave guy! He then proceeded to revamp the car. Johnny replaced the SB 400 with a 355 and made several other updates before selling it to a “new John.” (This 37 must have a requirement to be owned by “a John.”)
John has done some nice upgrades to the 37 brakes and lead me to upgrading my trunk supports like he did.
Bill's 37 is subtle and gorgeous. He chose one of Cadillac's new colors (platinum ice white ) for the 37 and it looks great. He joined us for the special 37/38 Chevy night at Niftee 50ees but this was the only shot I could get without a crowd around the coupe.
Gary brought this very nice 38 two door sedan to Niftee 50ees. I haven't spent enough time looking at it yet, but it appears to be a very nice car. The interior is really nice with some custom touches that set it apart from most 37/38s. Gary must be our kinda guy 'cause his license plate says that he "loves 38s"!
Yet another red 38! Bill has owned this nice 38 coupe since 1985. He bought it as a "some assembly required" car. The coupe literally came in boxes! It took months to assemble the car and another year to find out where the last piece went. Bill needed to control his budget so he bought a complete (wrecked) late model Chevy for $135. That gave him the engine and transmission that he drove 80,000 miles until he tore it down to re-do in 2007. The engine was freshened and the coupe got its Monterey Red from a Corvette color.
Come see our cars!
Several of these 37 Chevys and 1938 Chevrolets are regulars at the popular Niftee 50ees Cruise Night. It is held at the Corum Center (4880 Louetta Rd, Spring, TX 77388). Come see us Saturday nights 6:00 to 10:00. Usually mid-March to mid-November.
The Niftee 50ees “Saturday Night Cruise” provides a family oriented show. We have a well lighted parking lot full of classic cars and good time oldies music. We offer onsite security in a coned off area and, best of all, its free to the general public! Come see the classics!
Niftee 50ees always has a blow-out Halloween show. It is one of the best attended cruise nights of the year. Families come with young kids in costume to see the cars and enjoy lots of treats from the rodders.
I love anything associated with Route 66, so the movie Cars. set in the mythical Radiator Springs on Route 66 is one of my favorites. For the 2011 halloween cruise, I convinced Don and his wife to join me in bringing the rods "in Cars costume." That is Don's 37 as Lightning McQueen, Marilyn's beautiful 'vette as Sally and my 38 as Mater. (Jimmy's black 38, to the left of Mater, seemed embarrassed all night by not having a costume.)
Joy Ron Run 2015
Here are some 37 Chevys and 38 Chevrolets that I saw at the 26th annual Texas Joy Ride Rod Run at Freeport Municipal Park in March of 2015. Four 37/38 Chevys at a show that probably had fewer than 100 cars is a great showing for our favorite marque. We should all drive our cars more than we do. Take 'em out to a show or a cruise night.
Houston Autorama
I read once that the original 37 & 38 Chevy's side opening hood looked like pterodactyls. Pterodactyl was "an extinct genera of flying reptiles from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods." Well, they do look like they're flying and they would be extinct if it weren't for the collector car and street rod community saving them!
The is a high end '38 called Dirty8. It was built right here in Texas at JSK Rods in Cumby. I would say that this car influenced my build, though I didn't have the money to throw at my car that this owner obviously did.
A Racing Heritage
Local Racing Hero: Johnny Leibham
Johnny Leibham is a very well known drag racer from the 50's and 60's who drove a 1938 Chevy coupe. Of greatest interest, he still owns the coupe which is a preserved history of early drag racing. After returning from the NHRA Nationals in Oklahoma Johnny parked the 38 in a trailer. The legendary '38 was fired up back in 2011 for the first time since 1965.
Danny Leibham says his dad, "built a 1938 Chevy coupe that ran in the C/GS class.". With his long time partner and friend Al Strine, they campaigned a 290 cubic inch, supercharged, four thousand pound creation, and that car would take the pair to a dozen divisional final rounds and the Division 4 championship in 1964 and 1965.
That's Wally Parks in the black and white photo below. Wally was the founder of the National Hot Rod Association, first editor of Hot Rod magazine and was instrumental in the founding of Motor Trend magazine in 1948. Obviously Johnny was moving in some high-end circles.
Fastest Stock Car in US
It seems that 37 Chevys were pretty hot in the early fifties. This one was the fastest stock car in the US. It was owned by Cosby Hodges and Johnny Burrell and driven by Fred Thompson (apparently before he became a TV star). Thompson in number 311 is shown taking the lead from another 37 Chevy at Daytona where he set the speed record for the fasted lap ever: 130.01 mph. NASCAR shows Fred driving from 1951 to 1963. Click on the pictures below to see a larger image.